Seguril 40 mg
Seguril 40ml
30 Tablets (drainage)
Active substance: Furosemide
Applications of Seguril 40mg
The drug is a diuretic (diuretic).
The drug is used in:
Fluid retention (edema) due to diseases of the heart or the liver
Fluid retention (edema) due to kidney problems (nephrotic syndrome [protein loss, Dyslipidemia and water retention] is the treatment of the underlying disease in the foreground)
Fluid retention (edema) due to burns
High blood pressure (hypertension)
Absolute contraindications of Seguril 40mg
The drug should not be taken,
if you are hypersensitive (allergic) to furosemide, sulfonamides or any of the excipients
renal failure with a lack of urine production (anuria)
liver failure with impaired consciousness (coma and Praecoma hepaticum)
in severe potassium deficiency
in severe sodium deficiency
with reduced circulating blood volume (hypovolemia) or lack of body water (dehydration)
if you are breastfeeding
patients notice
Take special care when taking the drug is required,
if you have a strong low blood pressure (hypotension)
in existing or previously trodden in appearance diabetes (overt or latent diabetes mellitus); regular monitoring of blood sugar is required
if you suffer from gout; periodic monitoring of uric acid in the blood is required
if you have a Harnabflussbehinderung is (z. B. for prostatic hypertrophy, hydronephrosis, Harnleiterverengung)
at a reduced protein content in the blood (hypoproteinaemia), z. B. in the nephrotic syndrome (protein loss, Dyslipidemia and water retention) (a careful adjustment of the dosage is required)
in cirrhosis and concomitant renal impairment
if you have circulatory disorders of the brain blood vessels (cerebrovascular circulation disorders) or the coronary arteries (coronary artery disease), since you would be particularly vulnerable in an undesirably significant hypotension.
In patients with bladder dysfunction (eg. As in prostate enlargement), the drug should only be used if care is taken for free urine flow, as a sudden blast flow of urine can lead to urinary retention with overstretching of the bladder.
During long-term treatment certain blood values, particularly potassium, sodium, calcium, bicarbonate, creatinine, urea and uric acid and blood glucose should be monitored regularly.
Particularly close monitoring is needed if you have known to be a high risk to develop an electrolyte imbalance, or, in the case of a greater fluid loss (eg., By vomiting, diarrhea or intense sweating). A decreased circulating blood volume (hypovolemia) or a lack of body water (dehydration) and significant electrolyte disturbances or disturbances in acid-base balance must be corrected. This may require the temporary suspension of treatment with the drug.
The caused by increased urinary excretion weight loss should be independent of the amount of urine output not exceeding 1 kg / day.
A careful monitoring is required in preterm infants because of the risk of developing kidney calcification or kidney stones there; Monitoring measures: renal function test, ultrasound examination of the kidneys.
In preterm infants with conditions associated with dyspnea (respiratory distress syndrome), a diuretic treatment with the drug may increase the risk in the first weeks of life, that a vascular connection, bypassing the pulmonary circulation before birth, does not close (patent ductus arteriosus).
Patients with renal impairment
In nephrotic syndrome, the doctor prescribed dosage must be respected particularly accurate because of the danger increases occurring side effects.
for doping effects in misuse
The use of this product may in doping controls lead to positive results. The use of the product as a doping agent may cause a health hazard.
Driving and using machines
This medicine may change so far even with correct applications the reactivity of that, the ability to travel on the road, to operate machinery or to engage in potentially hazardous is impaired. This applies even more at the start of treatment, dose escalation and preparations change as well as in combination with alcohol.
pregnancy Note
You may only use this medicine during pregnancy if this keeps up, the attending physician is required for mandatory because the drug furosemide crosses the placenta.
Furosemide is excreted into breast milk and inhibits the production of breast milk.
They must not be treated with the drug, therefore, if you are breastfeeding. You may need to stop breastfeeding.
Dosage of 40mg Seguril
Take the medicine exactly as your doctor has told you. You should check with your doctor or pharmacist if you are unsure.
The dosage is individual, especially after the success of treatment, defined and should you not be changed without the doctor. It is always apply the lowest dose with which the desired effect is achieved.
Unless otherwise prescribed by your doctor, the usual dose
Fluid retention (edema) due to diseases of the heart or the liver:
Typically, adults take to start once 1 tablet (equivalent to 40 mg furosemide). Failing a satisfactory diuresis the single dose may be doubled after 6 hours to 2 tablets (corresponding to 80 mg furosemide). In still inadequate diuresis 4 tablets (equivalent to 160 mg furosemide) may be administered after a further 6 hours again. If necessary, get initial doses of 200 mg furosemide for use in exceptional cases under careful medical supervision.
The daily maintenance dose is usually 1 to 2 tablets (corresponding to 40 - 80 mg furosemide).
The effects caused by the increased urinary excretion weight loss should not exceed 1 kg / day.
Fluid retention (edema) due to kidney disorders:
Typically, adults take to start once in the morning 1 tablet (equivalent to 40 mg furosemide). Failing a satisfactory diuresis the single dose may be doubled after 6 hours to 2 tablets (corresponding to 80 mg furosemide). In still inadequate diuresis 4 tablets (equivalent to 160 mg furosemide) may be administered after a further 6 hours again. If necessary, get initial doses of 200 mg furosemide for use in exceptional cases under careful medical supervision.
The daily maintenance dose is usually at 1-2 tablets (equivalent to 40 - 80 mg furosemide).
The effects caused by the increased urinary excretion weight loss should not exceed 1 kg / day.
When nephrotic syndrome increases occurring side effects must be set carefully because of the risk.
Fluid retention (edema) due to burns:
The daily and / or a single dose can be between 1 and 2 1/2 tablets (40 to 100 mg furosemide respectively) are, in exceptional cases in renal function up to 6 tablets (equivalent to 240 mg furosemide). A lack of fluid in the blood vessels must be corrected before the use of this product.
High blood pressure (hypertension):
Usually once a day 1 tablet (equivalent to 40 mg furosemide) alone or in combination with other drugs.
Use in children:
Children generally receive 1 (- 2) mg furosemide per kg body weight per day, but not more than 40 mg furosemide per day.
Duration of treatment
The duration of the usage will be decided by the medicating doctor. It depends on the nature and severity of the disease.
Please talk to your doctor or pharmacist if you have the impression that the effect of the drug is too strong or too weak.
If you take more than you should
In case of suspected overdose with larger amounts of drug immediately a physician must be informed. This may decide on the measures that may be necessary according to the severity of the overdose.
The signs of acute or chronic overdosage could include the extent of salt and fluid loss dependent.
Overdose can lead to reduced blood pressure (hypotension) and circulatory problems when changing from lying to standing (orthostatic dysregulation), electrolyte imbalance (low potassium, sodium and chloride levels) or increase the pH in the blood (alkalosis) lead.
For heavier fluid losses can occur with thrombophilia to "drainage" (dehydration) and as a result of a reduction in the circulating blood volume (hypovolemia) circulatory collapse and the thickening of the blood (hemoconcentration).
In rapid water and electrolyte losses confusion (delirium state images) may occur.
If you forgot to take your medicine
Take the next time rather than a double dose, but lead you stop taking the prescribed dose continued.
If you have any further questions on the use of this product, ask your doctor or pharmacist.
side effects
Like all medicines, have this side effects, although not everybody gets them.
In evaluating side effects Frequencies are defined as:
very common: more than 1 in 10 people
Common: less than 1 in 10 but more than 1 in 100
Uncommon: less than 1 in 100 but more than 1 in 1000 people
rare: less than 1 in 1,000, but more than 1 out of 10,000
very rare: less than 1 out of 10,000
not known: frequency can not be estimated from the available data
Uncommon: decrease in platelets (thrombocytopenia).
Rare: increase of certain white blood cells (eosinophilia), reduction in white blood cells (leukopenia).
Very rare: Anaemia due to increased disintegration of red blood cells (hemolytic anemia), anemia due to hematopoiesis in bone marrow failure (aplastic anemia), severe reduction in certain white blood cells with tendency to infection and severe general symptoms (agranulocytosis).
Immune System / hypersensitivity reactions
Uncommon: pruritus, skin and mucosal reactions (see side effects of the skin).
Rare: Febrile states, inflammation of the blood vessels (vasculitis), nephritis (interstitial nephritis), severe hypersensitivity reactions like a circulatory collapse (anaphylactic shock). The first signs of shock are u. A. Skin reactions such as severe erythema (reddening) or hives, anxiety, headache, sweating, nausea and bluish discoloration of the skin (cyanosis).
endocrine system
The blood sugar level may rise during treatment with furosemide. This may occur in patients with pre-existing diabetes mellitus (overt diabetes mellitus) lead to a deterioration of metabolic control. A previously entered into appearance diabetes (latent diabetes mellitus) may appear.
Metabolism / electrolytes
during treatment with the drug are often observed as a result of increased fluid and electrolyte excretion disorders of fluid and electrolyte balance. Therefore, regular monitoring of certain blood tests (especially potassium, sodium and calcium) are displayed.
Due to increased sodium losses through the kidney it can - especially with limited supply of salt (sodium chloride) - come to sodium deficiency states with corresponding symptoms.
Frequently observed symptoms of sodium deficiency state are apathy (apathy), leg cramps, loss of appetite, weakness, drowsiness, vomiting and confusion.
In particular, at a simultaneously reduced potassium intake or increased potassium losses (z. B. diarrhea vomiting or chronic), as a result of increased potassium excretion through the kidneys, a potassium deficiency occur, the resulting in symptoms such as muscle weakness, abnormal sensations in the extremities (paraesthesia), paralysis (paresis) , vomiting, constipation, excessive gas accumulation in the gastrointestinal tract (flatulence), excessive urination (polyuria), pathologically enhanced thirst with excessive fluid intake (polydipsia) and pulse irregularities (z. B. Arrhythmia and cardiac conduction disturbances of the heart) can express.
Severe potassium deficiency can lead to intestinal paralysis (paralytic ileus) or loss of consciousness to coma.
Increased calcium excretion via the kidneys can lead to a calcium deficiency.
This can cause in rare cases, a state of neuromuscular excitability (tetany).
At elevated magnesium loss through the kidneys may occur as a result of a magnesium deficiency state in rare cases tetany or the occurrence of arrhythmias was observed.
As a result of the electrolyte and fluid losses during treatment with the drug, a metabolic alkalosis can develop or worsen an existing metabolic alkalosis (increase of pH in the blood).
It often occurs during treatment with the drug to increased uric acid levels in the blood. This may in susceptible patients lead to gout.
Under the preparation, an increase in blood lipids (cholesterol, triglycerides) may occur in the blood.
nervous system
Rare: tingling or numbness in the extremities (paraesthesia).
sensory organs
Rare: Due to the hearing-impairing effects (ototoxicity) of the drug, there is usually re-curable hearing or ringing in the ears (tinnitus).
Excessive urination may circulatory problems, especially in the elderly and children, occur, mainly as headache, dizziness, blurred vision, dry mouth and thirst, decreased blood pressure (hypotension) and circulatory disorders with reduced blood pressure when changing from lying to standing (orthostatic dysregulation) express. Exposure to very strong (excessive) diuresis can cause dehydration "(dehydration) and as a result of a reduction in the circulating blood volume (hypovolemia) circulatory collapse and the thickening of the blood (hemoconcentration) come as a result of hemoconcentration can -. Especially in the elderly - an increased tendency to thromboses occur.
digestive tract
Rare: gastrointestinal complaints (. Eg nausea, vomiting, diarrhea).
Liver / pancreas
Very rare: acute pancreatitis occurring, cholestasis (intrahepatic cholestasis) and elevation of certain liver enzymes (transaminases).
Uncommon: (. Eg bullous rash, urticaria, purpura, erythema multiforme, exfoliative dermatitis) itching, skin and mucous coat reaction with redness, blistering or flaking, and increased sensitivity to light (photosensitivity).
Rare: inflammation of the blood vessels (vasculitis).
Under the drug can (creatinine, urea) are observed in the blood temporarily, an increase of substances that are excreted by the kidney.
Symptoms of Harnabflussbehinderung (z. B. for prostatic hypertrophy, hydronephrosis, Harnleiterverengung) may occur by the drug or are deteriorated. It can lead to urinary retention (urinary retention) come with subsequent complications.
Rare: nephritis (interstitial nephritis).
In premature infants, who are treated with the preparation, to kidney stones and / or calcification in the kidney tissue can develop.
In preterm infants with respiratory distress syndrome may increase the risk in the first weeks of life, a diuretic drug treatment that a vascular connection, bypassing the pulmonary circulation before birth, does not close (patent ductus arteriosus).
general health
Rare: Febrile states.
If you observe the above-mentioned side effects occurs, contact your doctor so that he can decide on the severity and any necessary further action.
If a side effect occurs suddenly or developed strongly, immediately notify a physician, as certain adverse drug reactions may be life threatening.
The doctor will determine what action to take and whether the therapy can be continued.
At the first signs of a hypersensitivity reaction, the drug should not be used again.
If you notice any side effects, contact your doctor or pharmacist. This includes any possible side effects that are not specified.
When multiple drugs are used concomitantly, there may be interactions. Effects and side effects of drugs may be altered. Whether an interaction occurs, depends on various factors.
therefore Always speak with your doctor or pharmacist to determine whether an interaction you actually plays a role. Doctor or pharmacist Only assess your individual risk factors for interaction. If necessary to devise appropriate measures doctor or pharmacist. Put the doctor prescribed medicines without talking with your doctor or pharmacist from.
There are known interactions between "Seguril 40mg" and other drugs. If you still are taking other medicines, ask your pharmacist to clarify whether it can possibly be interactions with "Seguril 40mg".
Store. Medicines out of reach of children
For the disposal of drugs, there are regional differences in recommendations. Ask. In the pharmacy according to current regulations in your region
30 Tablets (drainage)
Active substance: Furosemide
Applications of Seguril 40mg
The drug is a diuretic (diuretic).
The drug is used in:
Fluid retention (edema) due to diseases of the heart or the liver
Fluid retention (edema) due to kidney problems (nephrotic syndrome [protein loss, Dyslipidemia and water retention] is the treatment of the underlying disease in the foreground)
Fluid retention (edema) due to burns
High blood pressure (hypertension)
Absolute contraindications of Seguril 40mg
The drug should not be taken,
if you are hypersensitive (allergic) to furosemide, sulfonamides or any of the excipients
renal failure with a lack of urine production (anuria)
liver failure with impaired consciousness (coma and Praecoma hepaticum)
in severe potassium deficiency
in severe sodium deficiency
with reduced circulating blood volume (hypovolemia) or lack of body water (dehydration)
if you are breastfeeding
patients notice
Take special care when taking the drug is required,
if you have a strong low blood pressure (hypotension)
in existing or previously trodden in appearance diabetes (overt or latent diabetes mellitus); regular monitoring of blood sugar is required
if you suffer from gout; periodic monitoring of uric acid in the blood is required
if you have a Harnabflussbehinderung is (z. B. for prostatic hypertrophy, hydronephrosis, Harnleiterverengung)
at a reduced protein content in the blood (hypoproteinaemia), z. B. in the nephrotic syndrome (protein loss, Dyslipidemia and water retention) (a careful adjustment of the dosage is required)
in cirrhosis and concomitant renal impairment
if you have circulatory disorders of the brain blood vessels (cerebrovascular circulation disorders) or the coronary arteries (coronary artery disease), since you would be particularly vulnerable in an undesirably significant hypotension.
In patients with bladder dysfunction (eg. As in prostate enlargement), the drug should only be used if care is taken for free urine flow, as a sudden blast flow of urine can lead to urinary retention with overstretching of the bladder.
During long-term treatment certain blood values, particularly potassium, sodium, calcium, bicarbonate, creatinine, urea and uric acid and blood glucose should be monitored regularly.
Particularly close monitoring is needed if you have known to be a high risk to develop an electrolyte imbalance, or, in the case of a greater fluid loss (eg., By vomiting, diarrhea or intense sweating). A decreased circulating blood volume (hypovolemia) or a lack of body water (dehydration) and significant electrolyte disturbances or disturbances in acid-base balance must be corrected. This may require the temporary suspension of treatment with the drug.
The caused by increased urinary excretion weight loss should be independent of the amount of urine output not exceeding 1 kg / day.
A careful monitoring is required in preterm infants because of the risk of developing kidney calcification or kidney stones there; Monitoring measures: renal function test, ultrasound examination of the kidneys.
In preterm infants with conditions associated with dyspnea (respiratory distress syndrome), a diuretic treatment with the drug may increase the risk in the first weeks of life, that a vascular connection, bypassing the pulmonary circulation before birth, does not close (patent ductus arteriosus).
Patients with renal impairment
In nephrotic syndrome, the doctor prescribed dosage must be respected particularly accurate because of the danger increases occurring side effects.
for doping effects in misuse
The use of this product may in doping controls lead to positive results. The use of the product as a doping agent may cause a health hazard.
Driving and using machines
This medicine may change so far even with correct applications the reactivity of that, the ability to travel on the road, to operate machinery or to engage in potentially hazardous is impaired. This applies even more at the start of treatment, dose escalation and preparations change as well as in combination with alcohol.
pregnancy Note
You may only use this medicine during pregnancy if this keeps up, the attending physician is required for mandatory because the drug furosemide crosses the placenta.
Furosemide is excreted into breast milk and inhibits the production of breast milk.
They must not be treated with the drug, therefore, if you are breastfeeding. You may need to stop breastfeeding.
Dosage of 40mg Seguril
Take the medicine exactly as your doctor has told you. You should check with your doctor or pharmacist if you are unsure.
The dosage is individual, especially after the success of treatment, defined and should you not be changed without the doctor. It is always apply the lowest dose with which the desired effect is achieved.
Unless otherwise prescribed by your doctor, the usual dose
Fluid retention (edema) due to diseases of the heart or the liver:
Typically, adults take to start once 1 tablet (equivalent to 40 mg furosemide). Failing a satisfactory diuresis the single dose may be doubled after 6 hours to 2 tablets (corresponding to 80 mg furosemide). In still inadequate diuresis 4 tablets (equivalent to 160 mg furosemide) may be administered after a further 6 hours again. If necessary, get initial doses of 200 mg furosemide for use in exceptional cases under careful medical supervision.
The daily maintenance dose is usually 1 to 2 tablets (corresponding to 40 - 80 mg furosemide).
The effects caused by the increased urinary excretion weight loss should not exceed 1 kg / day.
Fluid retention (edema) due to kidney disorders:
Typically, adults take to start once in the morning 1 tablet (equivalent to 40 mg furosemide). Failing a satisfactory diuresis the single dose may be doubled after 6 hours to 2 tablets (corresponding to 80 mg furosemide). In still inadequate diuresis 4 tablets (equivalent to 160 mg furosemide) may be administered after a further 6 hours again. If necessary, get initial doses of 200 mg furosemide for use in exceptional cases under careful medical supervision.
The daily maintenance dose is usually at 1-2 tablets (equivalent to 40 - 80 mg furosemide).
The effects caused by the increased urinary excretion weight loss should not exceed 1 kg / day.
When nephrotic syndrome increases occurring side effects must be set carefully because of the risk.
Fluid retention (edema) due to burns:
The daily and / or a single dose can be between 1 and 2 1/2 tablets (40 to 100 mg furosemide respectively) are, in exceptional cases in renal function up to 6 tablets (equivalent to 240 mg furosemide). A lack of fluid in the blood vessels must be corrected before the use of this product.
High blood pressure (hypertension):
Usually once a day 1 tablet (equivalent to 40 mg furosemide) alone or in combination with other drugs.
Use in children:
Children generally receive 1 (- 2) mg furosemide per kg body weight per day, but not more than 40 mg furosemide per day.
Duration of treatment
The duration of the usage will be decided by the medicating doctor. It depends on the nature and severity of the disease.
Please talk to your doctor or pharmacist if you have the impression that the effect of the drug is too strong or too weak.
If you take more than you should
In case of suspected overdose with larger amounts of drug immediately a physician must be informed. This may decide on the measures that may be necessary according to the severity of the overdose.
The signs of acute or chronic overdosage could include the extent of salt and fluid loss dependent.
Overdose can lead to reduced blood pressure (hypotension) and circulatory problems when changing from lying to standing (orthostatic dysregulation), electrolyte imbalance (low potassium, sodium and chloride levels) or increase the pH in the blood (alkalosis) lead.
For heavier fluid losses can occur with thrombophilia to "drainage" (dehydration) and as a result of a reduction in the circulating blood volume (hypovolemia) circulatory collapse and the thickening of the blood (hemoconcentration).
In rapid water and electrolyte losses confusion (delirium state images) may occur.
If you forgot to take your medicine
Take the next time rather than a double dose, but lead you stop taking the prescribed dose continued.
If you have any further questions on the use of this product, ask your doctor or pharmacist.
side effects
Like all medicines, have this side effects, although not everybody gets them.
In evaluating side effects Frequencies are defined as:
very common: more than 1 in 10 people
Common: less than 1 in 10 but more than 1 in 100
Uncommon: less than 1 in 100 but more than 1 in 1000 people
rare: less than 1 in 1,000, but more than 1 out of 10,000
very rare: less than 1 out of 10,000
not known: frequency can not be estimated from the available data
Uncommon: decrease in platelets (thrombocytopenia).
Rare: increase of certain white blood cells (eosinophilia), reduction in white blood cells (leukopenia).
Very rare: Anaemia due to increased disintegration of red blood cells (hemolytic anemia), anemia due to hematopoiesis in bone marrow failure (aplastic anemia), severe reduction in certain white blood cells with tendency to infection and severe general symptoms (agranulocytosis).
Immune System / hypersensitivity reactions
Uncommon: pruritus, skin and mucosal reactions (see side effects of the skin).
Rare: Febrile states, inflammation of the blood vessels (vasculitis), nephritis (interstitial nephritis), severe hypersensitivity reactions like a circulatory collapse (anaphylactic shock). The first signs of shock are u. A. Skin reactions such as severe erythema (reddening) or hives, anxiety, headache, sweating, nausea and bluish discoloration of the skin (cyanosis).
endocrine system
The blood sugar level may rise during treatment with furosemide. This may occur in patients with pre-existing diabetes mellitus (overt diabetes mellitus) lead to a deterioration of metabolic control. A previously entered into appearance diabetes (latent diabetes mellitus) may appear.
Metabolism / electrolytes
during treatment with the drug are often observed as a result of increased fluid and electrolyte excretion disorders of fluid and electrolyte balance. Therefore, regular monitoring of certain blood tests (especially potassium, sodium and calcium) are displayed.
Due to increased sodium losses through the kidney it can - especially with limited supply of salt (sodium chloride) - come to sodium deficiency states with corresponding symptoms.
Frequently observed symptoms of sodium deficiency state are apathy (apathy), leg cramps, loss of appetite, weakness, drowsiness, vomiting and confusion.
In particular, at a simultaneously reduced potassium intake or increased potassium losses (z. B. diarrhea vomiting or chronic), as a result of increased potassium excretion through the kidneys, a potassium deficiency occur, the resulting in symptoms such as muscle weakness, abnormal sensations in the extremities (paraesthesia), paralysis (paresis) , vomiting, constipation, excessive gas accumulation in the gastrointestinal tract (flatulence), excessive urination (polyuria), pathologically enhanced thirst with excessive fluid intake (polydipsia) and pulse irregularities (z. B. Arrhythmia and cardiac conduction disturbances of the heart) can express.
Severe potassium deficiency can lead to intestinal paralysis (paralytic ileus) or loss of consciousness to coma.
Increased calcium excretion via the kidneys can lead to a calcium deficiency.
This can cause in rare cases, a state of neuromuscular excitability (tetany).
At elevated magnesium loss through the kidneys may occur as a result of a magnesium deficiency state in rare cases tetany or the occurrence of arrhythmias was observed.
As a result of the electrolyte and fluid losses during treatment with the drug, a metabolic alkalosis can develop or worsen an existing metabolic alkalosis (increase of pH in the blood).
It often occurs during treatment with the drug to increased uric acid levels in the blood. This may in susceptible patients lead to gout.
Under the preparation, an increase in blood lipids (cholesterol, triglycerides) may occur in the blood.
nervous system
Rare: tingling or numbness in the extremities (paraesthesia).
sensory organs
Rare: Due to the hearing-impairing effects (ototoxicity) of the drug, there is usually re-curable hearing or ringing in the ears (tinnitus).
Excessive urination may circulatory problems, especially in the elderly and children, occur, mainly as headache, dizziness, blurred vision, dry mouth and thirst, decreased blood pressure (hypotension) and circulatory disorders with reduced blood pressure when changing from lying to standing (orthostatic dysregulation) express. Exposure to very strong (excessive) diuresis can cause dehydration "(dehydration) and as a result of a reduction in the circulating blood volume (hypovolemia) circulatory collapse and the thickening of the blood (hemoconcentration) come as a result of hemoconcentration can -. Especially in the elderly - an increased tendency to thromboses occur.
digestive tract
Rare: gastrointestinal complaints (. Eg nausea, vomiting, diarrhea).
Liver / pancreas
Very rare: acute pancreatitis occurring, cholestasis (intrahepatic cholestasis) and elevation of certain liver enzymes (transaminases).
Uncommon: (. Eg bullous rash, urticaria, purpura, erythema multiforme, exfoliative dermatitis) itching, skin and mucous coat reaction with redness, blistering or flaking, and increased sensitivity to light (photosensitivity).
Rare: inflammation of the blood vessels (vasculitis).
Under the drug can (creatinine, urea) are observed in the blood temporarily, an increase of substances that are excreted by the kidney.
Symptoms of Harnabflussbehinderung (z. B. for prostatic hypertrophy, hydronephrosis, Harnleiterverengung) may occur by the drug or are deteriorated. It can lead to urinary retention (urinary retention) come with subsequent complications.
Rare: nephritis (interstitial nephritis).
In premature infants, who are treated with the preparation, to kidney stones and / or calcification in the kidney tissue can develop.
In preterm infants with respiratory distress syndrome may increase the risk in the first weeks of life, a diuretic drug treatment that a vascular connection, bypassing the pulmonary circulation before birth, does not close (patent ductus arteriosus).
general health
Rare: Febrile states.
If you observe the above-mentioned side effects occurs, contact your doctor so that he can decide on the severity and any necessary further action.
If a side effect occurs suddenly or developed strongly, immediately notify a physician, as certain adverse drug reactions may be life threatening.
The doctor will determine what action to take and whether the therapy can be continued.
At the first signs of a hypersensitivity reaction, the drug should not be used again.
If you notice any side effects, contact your doctor or pharmacist. This includes any possible side effects that are not specified.
When multiple drugs are used concomitantly, there may be interactions. Effects and side effects of drugs may be altered. Whether an interaction occurs, depends on various factors.
therefore Always speak with your doctor or pharmacist to determine whether an interaction you actually plays a role. Doctor or pharmacist Only assess your individual risk factors for interaction. If necessary to devise appropriate measures doctor or pharmacist. Put the doctor prescribed medicines without talking with your doctor or pharmacist from.
There are known interactions between "Seguril 40mg" and other drugs. If you still are taking other medicines, ask your pharmacist to clarify whether it can possibly be interactions with "Seguril 40mg".
Store. Medicines out of reach of children
For the disposal of drugs, there are regional differences in recommendations. Ask. In the pharmacy according to current regulations in your region
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